the artistic possibilities
of designing with nature
Design and construct the man-made environment to be in harmony with the natural environment.

Re-scape Round Table

Jul 29, 2017
The Re-scape project is an innovative plan to use the suburban landscape as a way to produce viable food crops.  It invloves creating an open source business plan that maintains combined botanical and agricultural gardens to produce small crops through aestheticaly pleasing backyard gardens.  We are bringing together a select group of people with interests in agricultural sustainability to discuss the viability of re-purposing parts of the suburban landscape.  Invited attendees will include landscape architects, landscape professionals, master gardners, application programmers and business professionals.  We will be covering everything from the relationships and layout of plant species to promoting the project a diverse audience.  This will be a 2 day event set up to discuss the potential of this possibly viable and ecoligically responsible plan.
Name_of_Author: Matt